This page contains information for the ETFO ICT workshop: Javascript coding

Computer Coding Assignment

Please visit the Khan Academy site for tutorials about Coding in Computer Science. We will begin with simple drawing exercises, and then continue with animation.



You will write the computer code that produces a picture like the one below.

Care must be taken to place the objects in the proper place.
For example, in the pictures below, the sun is drawn by the function




Level One Work

This follows the basic lesson and uses ellipse, line, triangle and retangle functions.

Create a picture like the one below with at least 1 triangle, 2 rectangles, 4 circles, and 4 colours


Level Two Work

This follows the basic lesson and uses all of the previous functions but also uses a bezier curve function.

Create a picture like the one below with at least 1 triangle, 2 rectangles, 4 circles, and 4 colours.

It must also have at least 2 bezier curves.

Level Three Work

This produces the same kind of picture but adds animation to it.

You might make the snow fall from the sky or make the sun travel across the screen.

Click here to visit a page showing how to make a simple animation.

Level Four Work

This produces the same kind of picture but adds animation and user interaction. This means that the user presses a key or uses a mouse to control the picture on the screen.

You might make the snowman wave or make the eyes follow the mouse.

Click here to visit a page showing how to make a simple script showing user interaction. Select a script form the "EASY" section.