English words

Vocabulary improvement

Words are tested weekly and monthly in a summary format.

Links to each month's words.

Weekly format

Each week, students will be introduced to new vocabulary. Students are required to look for the meaning of each word and write a definition from a reputable source. Each word must then be written in a sentence to illustrate the meaning of the word. Each Friday, the words will be tested by oral dictation. Students may also be asked to identify the meaning from a multiple choice list.

For example:

Hapless (adj.) (HAP-lis)

To be hapless is to be:

A.) Unlucky

B.) Unhappy

C.) Dreamy

D.) Rejected

E.) Carefree


A.) Hapless means unlucky, unfortunate, not favoured by chance.

Sample sentence:

The hapless hoboes rode the boxcar hoping they were traveling to a better life.

Monthly Summary

After each test, the words are placed on the word wall in the class. The monthly summary test includes oral dictation of the definition or synonym of a word; students are asked to spell the word from memory or by locating the word on the resource word wall.
