
Nov. 30, 2012

New spelling words are given each Monday

For parents: the basic homework schedule for homeroom is as follows:

  • Monday- Spelling
  • Tuesday- Math
  • Wednesday- Writing
  • Thursday - math and spelling test study
  • Every evening should include at least a half hour of sustained reading.


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Period 1 Math ...Room 32

9:00 - 9:40 am

Basic math test with angles, area and multiplication.


Period 2 English ...Room 32

9:40 - 10:05 am


Period 3 English ...Room 32

10:20 - 11:05 am

We will take up homework involving the seven-years' war.

Drama and Dance 11:05 - 11:45 am
Period 4 ... in Room 206

Planning time for Mr. Winship

Ms. da Costa provides the programme

12:45 - 1:35 pm
Periods 5 and 6 ...Room 205

Grade 8: Students will take the microscope test, preparign an onion cell and focusing the slide for viewing.

Grade 7 We will write and draw diagrams from the textbook. This is a two-period class to allow for the completion of all the notes.

Period 7 ...Room 32


We will write and draw diagrams from the textbook. This is a single-period class to allow for the completion of all the notes. We will also begin to review for the test next week.


Period 8 ...Room 32

Homeroom :Drop everything and Read



Agenda Checks
All Intermediate students return to Homeroom
3:00 - 3:30 pm


READ about the Seven-year's War, P 94, 95.

Answer cause and effect chart on P 95




READ about the Battle at the Plains of Abraham P 96- 99.

Answer the T-chart question on P 99


For parents: the basic homework schedule for homeroom is as follows:

  • Monday- Spelling
  • Tuesday- Math
  • Wednesday- Writing
  • Thursday - math and spelling test study
  • Every evening should include at least a half hour of sustained reading.

Friday's Spelling test should come home on Friday to share with parents.

Friday's math test should come home on Monday to share with parents.

Videolink: Algorithm March with Ninjas

Ippo susande maenarae
Ippo susande eraihito
Hikkurikaete pekorinko
Yoko ni aruite kyorokyoro
Chotto kokorade hiraoyogi
Chotto shangande kurihiroi
Kuuki iremasu shuu shuu
Kuuki ga haitte pyuu pyuu
Take one step forward and reach forward
Take one step forward and you're a better person
Turn around and bow to the person
Walk sideways and look around
Wait a little here and do a wide swim
Kneel for a bit and pick up a chestnut
We'll put air in it "woosh woosh"
The air is inside "pyuu pyuu"

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