
Oct. 8, 2012

This page was updated October 6, 2012 0:30 AM

New spelling words given Monday  This is week 2 of the October words.

For parents: the basic homework schedule for homeroom is as follows:

  • Monday- Spelling
  • Tuesday- Math
  • Wednesday- Writing
  • Thursday - math and spelling test study
  • Every evening should include at least a half hour of sustained reading.


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Thanksgiving Monday

No school today...

Living statistics – Many of us who have been following social media since the early 90s are very sensitive to today’s exponential growth in usage of the sharing web. Inspired by other cool real time counters and various videos , Gary Hayes decided to put together this little Flash app (which is in constant development) showing how active & dynamic the Social Web is.

The implications are profound.

Here are some links to sites that show how to use sign language. Homework next week that asks students to use sign language.

Learn a sentence or phrase in sign language that has at least ten words. You will perform the sentence for the class and we will try to guess its meaning. Prizes will be given for the best sentences and for those that stump the class.

Sign language in video format

Sign language in print

American Sign Language Dictionary

For students who like to work ahead, please select a poem from Poetry Secundus to memorise. You will be given 2 weeks (beginning Tuesday) to memorise and perform this piece.

Download Poetry Pages here



It's a pretty specific skill, but it's still amazing.
A 3 year-old solves the Rubic's cube.

Links to helpful websites