This page will contain information about the Grades 7 and 8 computer programmes and assignments at Winona school.

You may notice the computer-related icons on the calendar in the preview to the page.
Here is the legend for their meaning.
Time is reserved in the computer lab
Time is reserved in the Library computer bank
Time is given to explore the software
Time is given to produce work using the software
Use Google SketchUp
Use Scratch
Use Geometer's SketchPad
Use Bitstrips online comic
Use Prezi online presentation software

Computer Skill Builder Links

These are links to specific pages that show how to use software. As we build our capacity to use these tools, the list will grow and the number of resources will increase.

Google SketchUp

This is 3D software that allows students to produce accurate isometric and orthographic drawings. Students create models and then either create annotated animations or printed pictures of their models.

Click here to visit the resource page for Google SketchUp

Click here to visit a sample assignment page for Google SketchUp


This is computer programming language software that allows students to produce programmes in which the models on the screen are controlled by the user and the computer.

It introduces students to: systematic rules, practical uses for intergers, variables, user-input for control, and how to make games and slideshows

Click here to visit the resource page for Scratch

Geometer's SketchPad

This is 2D software that allows students to produce accurate orthographic drawings. Students create models and then either create annotated animations or printed pictures of their models. This software teaches skills that are applicable from this level of grade 7 and 8 up to the University level mathematics. It teaches students to be rigorous in their proof of mathematical concepts.

Please note that this external resource page is beyond the control of this site. The  Tutorial was Prepared by Armando Martinez-Cruz, California State University, Fullerton.

Click here to visit the resource page for Geometer's SketchPad


This is online software that allows students to create characters and use them in story-telling panels. There are a number of assignments that are monitored by the teacher. Students may share comics with the class and may use each other's avatars in a comic of their own. Teachers must set up the class, but afteer that, students create and manage their own log in passwords.

Each class is given a class code and students use this to open thier characters and comics.
Grade seven students from room 32 teach this software to their grade one computer buddies.

The Grade one class code for Ms. Whitton is 115113

The Grade seven class code for Mr. Winship is tech32


Integrated computer skills

This year students in room 32 will integrate these skills by making:

  • A Poster using Photoshop Techniques
  • A label for a consumer item (such as cereal or soup)
  • A personal web page or blog. This may take the form of contibuting to a wiki.

Students may also integrate these skills by making:

  • A brochure
  • a personal database

This year* students will integrate these skills by making:

  • Photo collages
  • Safety posters with Photoshop
  • Slide shows with photographs
  • Grade 7 and 8 yearbook in print
  • Video yearbook on DVD

*providing the hardware is available

Software links

Students use a variety of software in classes to complete assignments and to study concepts. The computer is a tool that allows students to explore ideas and produce a finished product. The software we use is Ministry licensed, educationally sound, and is used in focused way to give students a grounding, not just in one piece of software, but in using a type of software. Listed below, you will find a short list of some of the software we have used thus far. The links are provided to allow you to browse the software as it appears on the author's own site.

Students have been introduced to the following software:


Why do we teach this?

Why do we teach computer skills? How can we teach something that is guaranteed to change by the time they graduate? How do we measure what they know?

One of the answers is that we don't teach software, we teach how to use the types of software. For example, while we use Microsoft Word, because it is installed on our computers, we we do not require its format. Indeed, the future may indeed be in software that rsides, not on a computer box in fornt of you, but on a server accessed on the internet. This is known as the "CLOUD". For example, this year, we will explore some "Cloud-based" applications, such as: Prezi, Google Docs, and Voice Thread.

While there are some products that are more widely used in business and industry, they are not necessarily the best for student use. The Ontario Ministry of Education licenses software based on recommendation from OSAPAC, and and these titles are made available to our schools. Teachers, in turn, integrate computer use in a variety of subjects. They may be used in English, Math, Science and History and the assignments and explorations reported in those separate areas.

Articles of interest


Computer News

Here is some of the software we use with our computers:

Google SketchUp

Geometer's SketchPad

Comic Life


This page was updated October 6, 2013 4:46 PM